Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Mystery Play

A Grid:

Hueyjiwhatsits Grid problem opens many many ideas. Grids imply an isolation, a seperation from anything outside your particular box. They imply a conformity of space and form, a monotony of repetition after repetition.

Playing on this with repeated basic modules would seem to comply with the segmentation of a grid, however, seperate a section of a grid enough and another section will need to pass through, crashing, breaking, gliding or passing through with a smooth transition.

Nature forms a basis for bringing grids together.
Technology brings paths close and aligned

The spaces in the grid, through their differences, transform it into a space where alternate paths can cometogether

A Unit is split into two. Seperating technology from the main residence. From the main tower though the garage can always be seen.

The gardens are intertwined, ones garden is anothers path to their own seperate residence. Seperated, exposed and elevated walkways connect the garage to the residence, often passing alongside, under, and above anothers path. The closeness of the paths and the mements where they seem almost to coexist show us alternate pathways, alternate endings.

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